- SCA Café Diploma咖啡廳文憑
- SCA Roastery Diploma烘焙文憑
- SCA Coffee Trade Diploma 咖啡生豆貿易文憑
- SCA Coffee Trade Diploma 咖啡生豆貿易文憑
咖啡烘焙 基礎證書課程 (8 hours)
1. 烘焙爐控制
2. 物理變化
3. 建立烘焙曲線
4. 味道與香氣
5. 烘焙記錄
咖啡烘焙 中級證書課程 (21 hours)
咖啡烘焙中級課程以基礎課程所介紹的概念和技能為前提。會深入了解烘焙曲線,曲線與顏色的關係。風味發展時間(Development Time),烘焙過程中發生的物理和化學變化。
1. 烘焙曲線講解和應用
2. 顏色與烘焙曲線
3. 感官分析
4. 發展時間 (Development Time)
5. 升溫率(RoR)的重要性
咖啡烘焙 高級證書課程 (21 hours)
Professional gives you the skills and knowledge needed as a manager to plan and execute quality control, create a product range to meet different preferences, calculate production costs and ensure efficient production. Roasting module covers roast defects, the physical changes that beans undergo during the roasting process, as well as workspace management and lean production.
Advanced skills in profile development and the sensory evaluation of different profiles are tested at this level. Knowledge of the fundamental chemistry of coffee is tested as well as the chemical reactions occurring during coffee roasting.
Course Outline:
* Gain a deeper understanding of heat, heat transfer and a more specific understanding of the physical, chemical and sensorial aspects of green and roasted coffee.
* Learn about more subtle aspects of profile roasting and how the different parts of the roasting cycle affects physical and chemical aspects of the coffee.
* Develop the required knowledge and skills as a manager to plan and execute quality control, create a product range to meet different customer segment preferences, calculate production costs, and to plan and execute lean production.
課程費 + USD$50
- 凡報讀任何【初+中級】SCA 課程,可享 -$500 折扣優惠
- 同時報讀 2️⃣ 個【SCA 初級】課程,可享 -$300 折扣優惠
- 同時報讀 3️⃣ 個【SCA 初級】課程,可享 -$500 折扣優惠
- 2人或以上同行報名優惠,每位減$100